Most people will know it because of lead man, Zack Braff, the star of Scrubs, but it is most definately a film that can stand for itself. That's not to say that it would have been as good without Braff, his performance in Garden State is outstanding. He plays the character of Andrew Largeman fantastically, the awkwardness he portrays in places is so intense that you feel it yourself. He also shows the lethargic lifestyle of Largeman in an inspired way. I don't think the film would have been as fantastic as it was without Braff if I'm honest. At times he really does capture your attention and gives a truely emotional show. It is not without his trademark humour either.
The film is the slow-going , nothing much happens type of film, not in a bad way, it's slow going, but it does reach it's conclusion and the ending is amazing, I'll admit I was feeling awfully emotional.