My opinion may be biased due to me being such a huge fan of the books, but the film is brilliant. The story stays true to the book for the most part, but has been alterred in some areas for obvious reasons, it would simply have not been accesible to a large audience if it had been the same story completely.
The casting is also spot on, Jim Carey is in his element all the way through (a lot of people will compare his performance to the one he did in LiarLiar undoubedly). Zooey Deschanel plays her character perfectly too - not a typical, personalityless Hollywood female character, but a real , kindof odd girl. I was also happy to see Danny Masterson playing Rooney being a fan of his previous work on That 70's Show. Mr Wallace himself also makes a cameo in the film as a man talking in a bar.
I really enjoyed Yes Man. I thought it good as far as simple entertainment goes, the film however didn't capture the meaning of the book particularly, the ending was changed fo an obvious Hollywood audience.
The casting is also spot on, Jim Carey is in his element all the way through (a lot of people will compare his performance to the one he did in LiarLiar undoubedly). Zooey Deschanel plays her character perfectly too - not a typical, personalityless Hollywood female character, but a real , kindof odd girl. I was also happy to see Danny Masterson playing Rooney being a fan of his previous work on That 70's Show. Mr Wallace himself also makes a cameo in the film as a man talking in a bar.
I really enjoyed Yes Man. I thought it good as far as simple entertainment goes, the film however didn't capture the meaning of the book particularly, the ending was changed fo an obvious Hollywood audience.